The whole table scenes can be replaced something way better!
This week, we launched a beautiful new product for you. It is a bottle opener produced by SUWADA, a renowned Blacksmith atelier nested in the heart of Sanjo, having the high reputation for craftsmanship towards the finest cutlery and kitchenware in Japan since early 1600s.
Open daily life in style, being befuddled with its subtle fineness
More stylish, more smart.
Just upgrading the bottle opener makes it extraordinary.
Indulge in your beverage treat even during its opening scene.
Made with love in Japan sincerely designed
the entire “drink” moment meticulously.
SUWADA’s BOTTLE OPENER shows its perfection in plump and streamlined design as if it is an artistic object.
When you open the bottle, the opener which cannot beat its presence, even randomly placed, covers the bottle crown cap fully. In the meantime, the fulcrum is placed at the edge of the bottle, that is a trick we keep it intact.
The beautifully designed opener takes a good care of your whole “opening” action like Zen ceremony..
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Style in your interior design

No caps flying around

Delightful beautility
By adopting stainless steel material made in Japan, it marks corrosion resistance and robustness. Designed by skilled craftsmen, and carefully polished by hand, it appeals to sensibilities in high standard.
Enjoy the moment to open the bottles and cheers with Kimura Glass!